Online Therapy and Coaching for English-Speaking Residents of South Korea

What has brought you to South Korea,
the Land of the Morning Calm?

➢ Are you of Korean heritage wanting to strengthen your Korean identity and bond with your family?

➢ Are you a foreigner with interest and desire to live and work in Korea, while adventurously learning about its rich culture?

➢ Are you a transracial/intercountry Korean adoptee on a mission to reconnect with the birth county and culture, perhaps even searching for the birth family?

➢ Are you accompanying someone you love in their pursuit of life in Korea or are you wishing to raise your multicultural family in Korea?

➢ Are you adjusting to life in Korea after settling here temporarily or permanently for your employment or career?

Airplane flying over sunset

You don’t have to feel like you do right now.

Living abroad in a country other than yours can present you with numerous challenges, big and small, and impact so many aspects of your life. Left unattended, these struggles result in high stress, anxiety, depression, health issues, and relationship problems. Not knowing where to turn when problems arise can be another barrier keeping you feeling stuck and helpless.

Perhaps you’ve lived in Korea for a while or you may be right in the middle of the transition, but you are feeling quite isolated, alone, and unsupported right now. Thousands of miles away from everything familiar, you are building and living your new life, and it looks wildly different than you thought or hoped. In these moments of change and adjustment, you deserve compassion, support, actionable courses to follow, and the assurance that you are not alone in the challenges you face.

Who We Help

  • Expats in Korea

  • 1.5 & Second Generation Koreans

  • Korean Adoptees

  • Military Families

  • English Teachers

  • International Students

  • Expat & Multicultural Couples

  • Multicultural & Blended Families


Services We Provide

Online Therapy and Coaching
Services in English

  • Individual Therapy

    We provide individual therapy for children, teens, and adults who have a wide range of mental health concerns. We tailor the experience according to each individual’s need as an English-speaking expat, 1.5/second-generation Korean, or Korean adoptee.

  • Relationship Therapy

    We provide relationship therapy to couples navigating traditional relationship challenges as well as those due to language or cultural gaps. Our therapists and coaches can help you nourish, deepen, or repair your relationship.

  • Family Therapy

    We provide family therapy that addresses concerns typical to the family life cycle as well as the stress of adjusting to a foreign culture at all ages and all levels of excitement about the change.

  • Group Therapy

    We provide several group therapy options that connect you with a like-minded community of individuals who are pursuing personal growth and self-discovery through the group format.

  • Coaching Services

    Through individual sessions with our coaches, you will find support, motivation, and actionable steps outlined toward the change you’d like to create in your life.

  • Not Sure?

    If you’re not sure what you’re looking for, or whether we offer it, get in touch with our Client Care Coordinator.
    We’re happy to answer your questions.

We believe therapy can be accessible, affordable, and inclusive.
This is our mission at Healing Together Therapy & Wellness Center.

Our Therapists & Coaches

We are a growing team that specializes in therapy and coaching for English-speaking expats, 1.5/Second-generation Koreans, and Korean adoptees.

Currently, we offer services in English, Korean, and French. We hope to soon be able to offer services in Mandarin and Spanish.

Affordable, Specialized Care

Providing accessible and affordable therapy and coaching services to the community is at the heart of our healing mission. For this reason, we have created a team of therapists and coaches across multiple levels of education, certification, and licensing with price points that vary based on these specifications.

Telehealth Makes Connecting Online Easy

We are a primarily remote team which allows us to work with clients in Korea and throughout Asia. Through our telehealth platform, you will be able to connect to your therapist or coach and work with the same depth and intention as if you were meeting in person.

✔️ Convenient with no commute
✔️ Increased safety and confidentiality
✔️ Comfortable and accessible
✔️ U.S., France, & U.K. trained therapists & coaches

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • We see clients Monday-Sunday, 7am-10pm (KST).

  • We offer sessions in two different lengths to best meet your needs and circumstances. Individual, Couple, Family, and Coaching sessions are each offered for 55 or 80 minute sessions.

    Learn more about session types

  • At this time, we only offer virtual therapy and coaching sessions via Google Meet as the primary telehealth platform and Zoom as the backup telehealth platform. Both are HIPAA-compliant, but please know that no internet-based communication can guarantee 100% privacy and security. We will do our due diligence to safeguard our online communication.

    Oftentimes, our clients use their mobile devices to participate in their therapy or coaching sessions. While virtual sessions provide increased accessibility and the convenience of being able to connect with your provider from any location of your choosing, we do not conduct any sessions while you're driving (poses risk of vehicular accident to yourself and others) or while you're in public spaces and/or in the presence of another person, which can severely risk your privacy and confidentiality. It is a required part of each session to verify your location, privacy, and safety.

  • Evidence-based research studies generally show an association between weekly therapy sessions and positive outcomes for clients. At Healing Together, the expectation for therapy services with our Resident Therapists is that you will participate in weekly therapy sessions for at least eight (8) consecutive sessions.

    These weekly sessions are vital in the beginning stages of the healing journey for a number of reasons: to build a solid therapeutic relationship, to fully understand the severity of the client's mental health challenges and their therapy needs and goals, to identify a support system and strength-based protective factors for the client, to establish and maintain momentum in the therapeutic work, and to set a collaborative spirit in which both the therapist and the client are practicing accountability.

    Bi-weekly sessions are considered after holding these minimum required weekly therapy sessions and conducting a review of the symptom severity, risk factors, and therapy goal progress. Monthly therapy sessions are only considered for clients that have met their therapy goals, reached a level of stability and security in their mental wellbeing, and are ready to enter into a maintenance phase.

  • Our service and community is primarily based around serving those who are English speaking and seeking mental health support. For this reason, most of our services will be delivered in English. We strive to be an inclusive and multicultural space for all members of the international community in Korea to find the care and healing you’re seeking.

    Several of our therapists and coaches speak languages other than English. Currently, we also offer services in Korean. We hope to soon be able to offer services in Mandarin, Spanish, and French. Please connect with our Client Care Coordinator for more information or to inquire about our availability of therapists and coaches who can speak your preferred language.

  • We offer services to the following time zones --

    UTC+ 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, & 12.

    Some countries that are included in these time zones are Australia, New Zealand, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, and Vietnam.

  • Please visit Our Team page and click on each therapist for their rates.

  • Being a proactive part of your mental wellness can begin with choosing the therapist/coach that feels most aligned with your needs. Please read the backgrounds of our team, and if there’s someone who feels like a good match, let our Client Care Coordinator know so you can arrange an appointment with that provider.

    On the other hand, if you’re not sure who is best suited for you, we are always happy to support you in finding the right provider.

  • While we try to make a thoughtful match between you and your therapist/coach, you may find out a few sessions in that it's not the best fit. There could be many factors that inform your discomfort with your matched provider, including insufficient sense of trust and safety, personality differences, unfavorable therapy approaches, and differences in communication style. You are warmly invited to bring these concerns to your provider first. If you mutually decide your work is better continued with a different provider, you can contact our Client Care Coordinator, and we'll help you through the process of exploring and transitioning to a different provider.

  • We do not prescribe medication. However, we can offer referrals for psychiatrists and medical physicians in Korea if a prescription is needed. Based on the research, medication in conjunction with regular counseling and therapy can be highly effective when treating symptoms of anxiety and depression.